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Math 666: Toric varietiesInstructor: Frank SottileLectures: TuTh 9:35–10:50 Blocker 306 Course webpage: https://franksottile.github.io/teaching/24.2/Toric.html Grading: Based on class participation and end of term project.
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Among the most accessible classes of algebraic varieties are toric varieties. This is fortunate for these are also among the most commonly encountered outside of algebraic geometry within mathematics and in the applications of algebraic geometry. Toric varieties in particular are currently widely studied in algebraic geometry and its applications.
This course would introduce the students to toric varieties, emphasizing their fundamental combinatorial nature while focusing on concrete examples and explaining some of their applications.
Because of the elementary nature of these varieties, the prerequisite will be graduate algebra, although courses in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry will be helpful.
I feel that in advanced graduate classes, the students get out of the
class what they put in.
Consequently, I do not assign regular homework to be collected and marked.
(But I will mention exercises, which are intended for you to fill in
gaps in the presentation, thereby learning a bit more.)
At the end of the term, students will present projects.
<-- Here is a file with some suggestions.-->
While I do not collect written work, here are some exercises.
Here is information about the presentations.
Macaulay2 Scripts
Text Book: I do not plan to follow a text book for this class. I will be using my own notes. Some Sources:
Last modified: Sat Nov 09 10:31:44 CST 2024 by sottile