On Monday, 3 February, Sottile ran several scripts. Here are some of them, together with related scripts: quartic.maplequartic.singsparse.m2sparse.singsparse_3.m2sparse_3.singNewton_Method.maple.
On Friday, 31 January, Sottile ran a Singular script that computed the numbers of real solutions to some problems involving linear subspaces,
called the Schubert calculus. Here is the Singular file: Derksen_NReal.sing.
On Tuesday, 28 January, Thomas Yahl presented some of the problems from Homework 4 in a Macaulay2 script,
On Tuesday, 21 January, Elise Walker presented some of the problems from Homework 3 in a Macaulay2 script,
On Monday, 13 January, Sottile ran Macaulay2 scripts to compute a reduction using the multivariate division algorithm by hand.
Here is the Singular version and the Macaulay 2 version of that computation.
He also computed a degree reverse lexicographic Gröbner basis in three ways.
Here is the Singular version and the Macaulay 2 version of that computation.
On Monday, 6 January, Sottile ran a Macaulay2 script to compute a Gröbner basis with respect to two different monomial orders.
Here is the Singular version and the Macaulay 2 version of that computation.
On Tuesday, 17 December, Sottile ran a Macaulay2 script to study the lines on a cubic surface.
Here is the Singular version and the Macaulay 2 version of that computation.
On Tuesday, 10 December, Sottile ran a Hello World Macaulay2.
Here is the Singular version and the Macaulay 2 version of that computation.
Last modified: Mon Feb 3 10:12:49 CET 2020