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5.13 Maximally Inflected Quintics with a claw

This page is under construction. I do not know when or if it will be completed.

    This file displays maximally inflected quintics with a claw, which is a point of ramification of order 3. The intent is to display one example of all such curves, but there a quite a few of these curves, because there are many possibilities for the remaining ramification, and for its placement. The table below summarizes the possible types of ramification that can occur in such a curve, and our symbol for each type. The linked indices are to the spot in this file where curves with at most that ramification are displayed.

Name Index Partition Germ Symbol
Flex (0,1,3) 1 (s,s3) Red Circle
Cusp (0,2,3 11 (s2,s3)  
Planar (0,1,4) 2 (s,s4) Green Circle
Claw (0,2,4) 21 (s2,s4)  
Flat Flex(0,1,5) 3 (s,s5) Magenta Circle
Box (0,3,4) 22 (s3,s4)  
Beak(0,2,5) 31 (s2,s5)  
  (0,3,5) 32 (s3,s5) Maroon Circle
A Claw
Pictures of these germs are found here.
There is a unique curve (up to reparameterization) with a ramification point of type (0,3,5), a claw, and a flex

Additional ramification of type (0,2,5), a beak.

If we have a beak as well as a claw, then there can be one additional ramification of multiplicity two, either a cusp (on the left), or a planar point (on the right).

There can also be two flexes. For any choice of two flexes, there will be two curves. The two flexes can either be adjacent
or they are not adjacent

Additional ramification of type (0,3,4), a box point.

I have yet to draw these pictures.

Additional ramification of type (0,1,5), a flat flex.

There is a unique curve with two claws and one flat flex.

If we have one claw and one flat flex, and a cusp, then there will be a flex, and there is a unique curve for each placement of the ramification. The flex either is between the cusp and the flat flex, or between the flat flex and the claw, or between the claw and the cusp. We display these three possibilities from left to right.
We may have a planar point instead of the cusp, again there is a unique curve for each placement of the ramification and the flex either is between the planar point and the flat flex, or between the flat flex and the claw, or between the claw and the planar point. We display these three possibilities from left to right.
If we just have three flexes with the claw and the flat flex, then either the flexes are connsecutive (two pictures on the left), or they are not (the two pictures on the right). For each placement of this ramification, there will be two curves.

Additional ramification of type (0,2,4), a claw.

There are two curves (identical save for reversing their parameterization) with three claws, we display one.

There is a unique curve with two claws and one flat flex.
If we have two claws and a cusp, then there will be a flex. For each choice of such ramification, there will be three curves. The flex either is between the claws
or it is not.
Similarly, if we have two claws and a planar point, then there will be a flex. For each choice of such ramification, there will be three curves. The flex either is between the claws
or it is not.
Lastly, we can have three flexex with two claws. For each choice of this ramification, there will be six curves. The flexes are either non-consecutive
or they are consecutive. The first of these curves is very symmetrical, and we show two views of it.

Additional ramification only cusps and planar points.

If the additional ramification consists only of cusps and planar points, then we have a total of three additional points. For each choice of additional ramification, there will be two curves. The curves we draw have ramification points at 0, infinity, 1, and -1, so for symmetrical choices of ramification, the second curve will have the same image as the first, only with parameterization reversed.

That is the case if there are three cusps,

and if there are two cusps and one planar point which lies between the cusps.
However, the two curves are different if the cusps are adjacent.
Similarly, if there is one cusp and two planar points, the curves are different if the planar points are adjacent
but have identical image if the cusp lies between the two planar points.
Lastly, the curves have identical image if they come from three planar points.

There remain many more curves to draw.

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