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Plücker Coordinates for the Grassmannian

    There are at least two coordinate schemes for the set of lines in 3-space, both of which generalize to other Grassmannians, and to the flag manifolds which are the subject of this web page. First, are the global Plücker coordinates. It is easiest to work not with lines in projective 3-space P3, but with 2-dimensional linear subspaces of the 4-dimensional vector space K4, where K is our field. Such a 2-plane H is the row space of a 2 by 4 matrix, called a representation matrix for H and also written H. Let the entries be xi,j for i=1,2 and j=0,1,2,3. It is a classic fact (see Chapter 2 of [PW]) that the linear subspace H is determined by the sextuple of the 2 by 2 minors of the matrix H, up to a scalar. This sextuple is called the Plücker coordinates for the 2-plane H. They are

pi,j  :=  x1,i x2,j - x1,j x2,i .
The association of a 2-plane H to its Plücker coordinates gives an embedding of the Grassmannian of lines in projective 3-space (equivalently, of 2-dimensional linear subspaces of 4-space) into a 5-dimensional projective space. The image is exactly those sextuples [p01p02p03p12p13p23] which satisfy the quadratic Plücker equation
p03 p12  - p13 p02  + p01 p23    =   0 .
Another way to give coordinates assumes that the first Plücker coordinate p01 does not vanish. Then dividing the Plücker coordinates by p01 gives a vector (1, p02p03p12p13p23), where p23 = p13p02 - p03p12. Thus the four coordinates (p02p03p12p13) determine H. Another way to see this is that such 2-planes H are those with a representation matrix of the form [I2 : Y], where I2 is the 2 by 2 identity matrix and Y is the 2 by 2 matrix whose entries are -p12, -p13 in its first row and p02, p03 in its second row. We call Y the standard local coordinates for the Grassmannian.
Last Modified Saturday 20 September 2003 by Frank Sottile