Next: 4.i. The Schubert Calculus of Lines
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Previous: 3.v. Common tangent lines to Spheres in Rn
4. The Schubert Calculus
The classical Schubert calculus of enumerative geometry is concerned with
questions of enumerating linear subspaces of a vector space or projective
space that satisfy incidence conditions imposed by other linear subspaces.
3. Enumerative Real Algebraic Geometry
- 4.i. The Schubert Calculus of Lines
- 4.ii The Special Schubert Calculus
- 4.iii Further Extensions of the Schubert Calculus
5. The Conjecture of Shapiro and Shapiro
Next: 4.i. The Schubert Calculus of Lines
Up: Table of Contents
Previous: 3.v. Common tangent lines to Spheres in Rn