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2.i.a. The BKK Bound

Given polytopes P1, P2, ..., Pm in Rn, their Minkowski sum is the pointwise sum

P1 + P2 + ... + Pm   =   {p1 + p2 + ... + pm | pi in Pi for i=1,2,...,m} .

The mixed volume, MV(P1, P2, ..., Pm), of a collection of m polytopes is the coefficient of in the volume of t1P1 + t2P2 + ... + tmPm .

When there are n equal polytopes, the mixed volume is n! Vol(P), the normalized volume of the common Newton polytope P, and when the polytope Pi is a line segment of length di in the ith coordinate direction (so that Pi = New(fi), where fi is the polynomial given in (2.2)), the mixed volume is the Bézout number d1d2...dn.

Given a list A = (P1, P2, ..., Pn) of polytopes in Rn with vertices in the integral lattice Nn, a sparse polynomial system with structure A is a system of polynomials (2.1) with New(f1) = P1. These sparse systems may have trivial solutions where some coordinates vanish. Thus we only consider solutions with non-zero complex coordinates. We have the following basic result on the number of solutions to such a sparse system of polynomials.

Theorem 2.2 (BKK bound)   A sparse polynomial system (2.1) with structure A = (P1, P2, ..., Pn) has at most MV(P1, P2, ..., Pn) isolated solutions in Cn with non-zero coordinates. If the system is generic given its structure, then it has exactly this number of solutions in Cn with non-zero coordinates.

This result was developed in a series of papers by Kushnirenko [Ko], Bernstein [Be], and Khovanskii [Kh1]. For simplicity of exposition, we will largely restrict ourselves to the case when the polynomials all have the same Newton polytope P. The polyhedral homotopy algorithm of Huber and Sturmfels [HS] gives an effective demonstration of this BKK bound. It deforms the sparse system (2.1) into a system where the number of solutions is evident and is based upon Sturmfels's generalization  [Stu2] of Viro's method for constructing real varieties with controlled topology  [Vi]. We will describe it in Section 2.ii.c, after we give some examples and definitions.

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