Excess Components 14

    More precisely, our equations are:

(*) Rank Coefficients of FQ   is at most   1 ,
Coefficients of Fgen
the ideal of the 2x2-minors of the coefficient matrix.
    In this formulation, we get 3 excess components on which  FQ  vanishes identically.
Q has rank 1, defined by the 2x2 minors of Q.
Q defines a rank 2 quadric with vertex l1 or l2; a union of 2 planes meeting along l1 or l2.
These components are defined by <a,b,c,d,e,f,g> and <c,d,f,g,h,p,q>, respectively.

To compute the fibre   f-1(FQ)   we must saturate our ideal (*) by these excess ideals.
For the first, a simple ideal quotient suffices.
The other two are embedded components with multiplicity 4.