Home Work #4 Math 344S - Winter 1998
Due: 10 March 1998
Read: Sections 6.5, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1, and 8.2.
Section 6.5 # 5 a).
Section 7.4 #'s 1 c), 4.
Consider the following recursion:
where a1=1 and a2=1.
Find the first 10 terms, and a generating function.
Solve this recursion, using the methods of Section 7.3.
Section 7.5 # 7.
Section 8.1 # 10.
Section 8.2 #'s 6, 34.
Home Work #3 Math 344S - Winter 1998
Due: 12 February 1998
Read: Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.3
Investigate the following question:
Is the number of ways to partition an integer n into distinct parts
equal to the number of ways to partition n into odd parts?
I want you to find generating functions, compute some example (do it for a
few small values of n, and try to prove or disprove the question.
Section 6.3 #'s 11, 22.
Section 6.4 #'s 5, 11, 20.
Section 7.1 #'s 5, 10, 28.
Section 7.3 #'s 2, 7.
Home Work #2 Math 344S - Winter 1998
Due: 29 January, 1998
Read: Sections 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 6.1, 6.2
Section 5.4 #'s 8, 26, 43.
Section 5.5 #'s 9, 19, 26, 31.
Section 5.6 # 8.
Section 6.1 #'s 4, 22, 26.
Section 6.2 #'s 12, 27, 32.
Home Work 1 Math 344S - Winter 1998
8 January, 1998
Read: Sections 5.1--5.5.
Section 5.1 #'s 6, 21, and 42.
Section 5.2 #'s 6, 8, 15, 28, and 54(a).
Section 5.3 #'s 2, 13, and 20.