Autumn 2019
Math 300H: Honors Foundations of Mathematics Section 970.
I have taught this course three times previously, but not the honors section (different book, different level of sudents).
That said, do heed your peers; they have useful things to say:
Advice from the experts (former students):
Spring 2019
- Be diligent on the in class notes and review them regularly to be prepared.
- Don't wait until the last minute to do homework or you will not have time to finish it.
- Be careful on the homework.
- Do all homework, ask questions, and read over notes and the book.
- Definitely read before the class.
- Read the sections in the book before class and then go over your notes after to make sure you fully understand what was taught.
- Read the textbook before attending the lecture for that topic.
- Use online resources and other students through Piazza and much and possible.
- Do all homework, and take efficient notes during class.
- Actually read the textbook because it has good examples to do the homework and to prepare for tests.
- None.
- Stop playing video games.
- It may be hard to get into at first, but it's the principles on which all of the next math classes are built.
- I would recommend them to read another book as well as the one provided, I think there are redeeming qualities of our book, but comparing it to another one, can be very helpful.
- Read the book and go to his office hour.
Fall 2017
- Go to office hours if you don't understand. He is great at helping!
- Go to class and ask questions!
- Seek outside help. The textbook only has two examples per topic and was not enough. I found a graduate student that used to run the Math 220 help sessions and that was my saving grace.
- Read the textbook. Not once, but twice. It will help. Also, make friends right away and get together for study groups.
- Learn most of the material before hand or learn the basics it would make the course easier as these are concepts most students haven't practiced before.
- Ask as many questions as you are able to in class. He's willing to answer them and wants to help.
- Form a study group and be willing to ask many questions, as the instructor is more than happy to answer.
- Do the homework and pay attention.
- I would always recommend to go to office hours. They legit saved my life in this course because these concepts were very conceptual and so I needed further explanation.
- Practice writing proofs.
- Go to office hours, it helps a lot. Some concepts explained in class are muddled and the book does not always have good examples to supplement lecture material. Homework could be difficult because of this.
- Attend class and respect Sottile and you will have a fun and fruitful learning experience.
- The homework is deceptively long. It is usually only several questions but will still take several hours to complete. Finishing a proof is a very rewarding feeling.
- If you read the book and go to class every day, you would not have trouble with the course.
Fall 2015
- You're gonna have to study and work but he's the prof you want.
- Read the textbook. know the definitions. Go to the help sessions for homework.
- Make sure to plan out your time wisely.
- Make sure to study and understand the definitions very well.
- Follow his advice XD Look through the book before a lecture, and review the chapter after class.
- Go to class, read the book, do your homework, and ask questions.
- Read the book sections before and after the lecture over those sections and definitely do as many examples as possible....practice, practice, practice.
- Read the textbook material closely and take notes on it, especially theorems and definitions.
- Be prepared to spend a lot of time on this class. Don't miss class you will miss a lot. Be able to think outside of
comfort zone.
- You need to read the book before you get to class to understand the material that is going to presented. Don't think
that you can just pass by in this class and get a good grade because it takes a lot of time and work. Professor Sottile is
very understanding but does set high expectations for his students.
- Read the textbook everyday. The textbook is your best friend.
- Make sure to read the chapters and do the homework problems because they are the best ay to guarantee understanding of the material.
- Be patient, it's worth it. Frank is an exceptional professor.
- Make sure you understand the homework problems.
Last modified: Sat Jul 27 16:10:46 CDT 2019