Math 697R 21 September 2000 Frank Sottile * Handout `Deadbeat Control' * Handout `Observability' * Recall - Nilpotent characterization of deadbeat control - Discuss the resulting system of polynomial equations - Characteristic polynomial characterization - resulting polynomial characterization * Discuss the example/computation * Pole placement problem - n equations in mp variables of degree n, n-1, ..., 2, 1. - Is a further reduction possible? * Control with dynamic compensators - dynamic pole placement problem. n+q equations in n^2+qp+qm+mp variables. ? Is a further reduction possible ? ---------------------------------------------------------- - Matrix manipulations to get the transfer function format. [ - Aside on why it is called transfer function ] State Theorem on coprime factorization Use it to get a geometric form of the pole placement problem. Motivate part of the rest of the course Begin to study polynomial matrices