Title:The convexity behind Santaló's Helley-type Theorem.
F. Sottile
Mittagsseminar, 2.02.06.
In 1940, Luis Santaló proved a Helly-type theorem for line transversals
to boxes in Rd.
An analysis of his proof reveals a convexity structure for ascending lines
in Rd that is isomorphic to the ordinary notion of
convexity in a convex subset of R2d-2.
This isomorphism is through a Cremona transformation on the Grassmannian of
lines in Pd, which enables a precise description of
the convex hull and affine span of up to d ascending lines:
the lines in such an affine span turn out to be the rulings of certain classical
determinantal varieties.
This talk represents joint work with
A. Holmsen, E. Goodman, R. Pollack, and K. Ranestad,
and is based upon the preprint
Convexity, Frame Convexity, and a Theorem of
Santaló, which will appear in
Advances in Geometry.
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