A parameterized rational plane curve f : P1 --> P2 of degree d is a composition of the rational normal curve g : P1 --> Pd with a projection p : Pd -->> P2. The centre of this projection is a (d-3)-plane H which does not meet the image of the rational normal curve g. We say that the curve f is ramified at a point s of P1 if the derivatives f(s), f'(s), f''(s) do not span P2. Thus, the (d-3)-plane H meets the 2-plane K2(s) spanned by g(s), g'(s), and g''(s), and so Thus H satisfies the simple (codimension-1) Schubert condition imposed by K2(s). We expect H to satisfy 3(d-2) (= dimension of the Grassmannian of (d-3)-planes in Pd) such conditions, counted with multiplicity.
This is in fact the case. To see this, represent H as the column space of a (d+1) by (d-2) matrix, also denoted H. Writing g and its derivatives as column vectors, K2(s) is the concatenation of g(s), g'(s), and g''(s). Then the inflection points of the parameterized rational plane curve f :=fH : P1 -->> P2 are precisely the zeroes of the determinant
det [H : K2(s)] , |
Each inflection point s has a degree, which is multiplicity of that inflection; the order of vanishing of the determinant at the point s. This invariant however is rather crude, and we introduce a finer invariant which measures just how linearly dependent are the derivatives of f. The index of an inflection point s is a triple (a, b, c) defined as follows.
We interpret this index geometrically. Let Kj(s) be the j-plane spanned by the first (j+1) derivatives g(s), ... g(j)(s) of the rational normal curve at the point s. This is the j-plane osculating the rational normal curve at s. Then a parameterized rational curve fH : P1 --> P2 has index (a, b, c) when