We describe here the input and output data for the computation. We give a brief description of the input and output.

    The input data is as follows:

An increasing list of integers defining the flag variety. The last integer in the list is the dimension of the ambient vector space.

A list of sequences of integers. Each sequence represents a permutation corresponding to a Schubert variety. The first sequence in the list defines an open Schubert cell which is used to choose local coordinates on the flag variety, and the remaining sequences give equations for the remaining Schubert varieties in these local coordinates.

The elapsed time of the computation. This is the sum of the elapsed time of the Gröbner basis computation (in Singular), called GroebnerTime, and the real root computation (in Maple), called RealTime.

A measure of the number of digits needed to store the eliminant.

The number of complex points in the intersection of Schubert varieties encoded in EnumerativeProblem.

A list of sequences of integers (permutations) which encode how to select points on the rational normal curve at which to pick osculating flags. Once N points on the rational normal curve are chosen, a necklace S = [S1,...,SN ] determines that the osculating flag at the Sith point on the rational normal curve is used to define the i th Schubert condition.

A list of points [x,y] on the real projective line with x>0. A random list is selected from Points, converted to a list of real numbers by assigning y/x to [x,y]. This list is then sorted from smallest to largest and used to define Schubert conditions on the flag variety as described above.

This records the observed frequencies of real solutions for each necklaces.

The number of instances of the enumerative problem to be computed

Record the current number of instances of the enumerative problem computed. When the computation is completed, this equals NumberOfIterations.

Identifies the machine on which the computations were performed.