Singular Computation Proving Main Theorem

                     SINGULAR                             /  Development
 A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations   /   version 2-0-0
     by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann        \   February 2001
FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern    \

// Set random number generator to avoid Singular leading to different results
// in different runs 

// Appendix.sing
// Gabor Megyesi
// Frank Sottile
// Thorsten Th eobald
// Started: 11 November 2001
// Current: 25 May 2002 
//  This file is the Singular code in the appendix

int T = timer;
LIB "primdec.lib"; 

ring R = 0, (s,t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l), (dp(2), dp(10));
ideal I = el-g^2, ek-gf, ak-dc, ah-c^2;
matrix M[2][5] =    s   ,    1-s   ,       -2     ,     1-t  ,   t   , 
                  al-d^2, 2*(bl-dg), 2*(2bk-cg-df), 2*(bh-cf), eh-f^2; 
I = I + minor(M,2);
I = std(I);  dim(I), mult(I);

//>>  6 8

matrix Q[4][4] =  a , b , c , d , 
                  b , e , f , g , 
                  c , f , h , k , 
                  d , g , k , l ;
ideal E1 = std(minor(Q,2));
I = std(quotient(I,E1));  dim(I), mult(I);

//>>  5 20

ideal E2 = g, f, e, d, c, b, a;  // intersection line l1
I = sat(I,E2)[1];  dim(I), mult(I);

//>>  5 10

ideal E3 = l, k, h, g, f, d, c;  // intersection line l2
ideal J = sat(I,E3)[1];  dim(J), mult(J);

//>>  4 120

eliminate(J, abcdefghkl);

//>>  _[1]=0

ideal L = s, t, t-1, s-1, s-t; 
list F = facstd(J, L);

// Verify the factorization
int i;
ideal FF = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= size(F); i++) { FF = intersect(FF,F[i]); }
ideal V1, V2;
V1 = std(sat(sat(sat(sat(sat(FF,t)[1],s)[1],t-1)[1],s-1)[1],s-t)[1]);
V2 = std(sat(sat(sat(sat(sat(J ,t)[1],s)[1],t-1)[1],s-1)[1],s-t)[1]);

size(V1), size(V2);

//>>  162 162

if (size(V1) == size(V2)) {
  int check = 1;
  for (i = 1; i <= size(V1); i++) {
    if (V1[i] != V2[i]) { check = 0; }
  if (check == 1) { print("Factorization successfully verified."); }

//>>  Factorization successfully verified.


//>>   353

ring S = (0,s,t), (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l), lp; short = 0;

// Singular might produce factors which are the unit ideal in S, which we then remove.
i = 1;
ideal FS; 
setring R; ideal FR;
while (i <= size(F)) {
  FR = F[i];
  setring S;
  FS = std(imap(R, FR));
    setring R;
  else {
    setring R;
//>>  1 4
//>>  2 4
//>>  2 4
//>>  2 4
//>>  2 4
//>>  2 4
//>>  2 4

setring S;
ideal JS = std(imap(R,J));   dim(JS), mult(JS);

//>>  2 24

setring R; FR = F[1]; setring S; 
FS = std(imap(R,FR));  dim(FS), mult(FS);
FS[5], FS[6], FS[7], FS[8], FS[9], FS[10], FS[11];

//>>  1 4
//>>  g f e d c b a

for (i = 2; i <= 7; i++) {
  setring R;  FR = F[i];  setring S; 
  FS = std(imap(R,FR));  dim(FS), mult(FS);

//>>  2 4
//>>  (-s^2+2*s-1)*k^2+(2*s-2)*k*l+(s*t-1)*l^2
//>>  --------------------------------
//>>  2 4
//>>  (s-1)*k^2-2*k*l-l^2
//>>  --------------------------------
//>>  2 4
//>>  (s^2-2*s+1)*k^2+(-2*s+2)*k*l+(-t+1)*l^2
//>>  --------------------------------
//>>  2 4
//>>  (s^2-2*s+1)*k^2+(-2*s+2)*k*l+(-t+1)*l^2
//>>  --------------------------------
//>>  2 4
//>>  (s-1)*k^2-2*k*l-l^2
//>>  --------------------------------
//>>  2 4
//>>  (-s^2+2*s-1)*k^2+(2*s-2)*k*l+(s*t-1)*l^2
//>>  --------------------------------

// Print the second ideal
setring R; FR = F[3]; setring S; 
FS = std(imap(R,FR)); FS;

//>>  FS[1]=(s-1)*k^2-2*k*l-l^2
//>>  FS[2]=(s-1)*h+(2*t-2)*k+(t-1)*l
//>>  FS[3]=f*l-g*k
//>>  FS[4]=(s-1)*f*k-2*g*k-g*l
//>>  FS[5]=(s-1)*f^2-2*f*g-g^2
//>>  FS[6]=e*l-g^2
//>>  FS[7]=e*k-f*g
//>>  FS[8]=d+f+g
//>>  FS[9]=c
//>>  FS[10]=2*b+e
//>>  FS[11]=a
//>>  2 4


//>>  430
//>>  Auf Wiedersehen.