For Schubert polynomials, the analogues of Littlewood-Richard\-son
coefficients are expected to be related to the enumeration of chains in the
Bruhat order on Sn. We refine this expectation in terms of
certain suborders on the symmetric group associated to parabolic subgroups.
Our main results are a number of new identities among these coefficients.
For many of these identities, there is a companion result about the Bruhat
order which we expect would imply the identity, were it known how to express
these coefficients in terms of the Bruhat order. Our analysis leads to a
new graded partial order on the symmetric group, results on the enumeration
of chains in the Bruhat order, the determination of many of these constants,
and formulas for a large class of specializations of the variables in a
Schubert polynomial.