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2007 IMA PI Summer Program for Graduate Students Applicable Algebraic Geometry Seminar on Applicable Algebraic Geometry July 23-August 10, 2007 Schedule and Abstracts Summer Program Schedule |
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Tuesday, 24 July | James Ruffo | An introduction to the Schubert calculus |
Wednesday, 25 July | Hal Schenck | Multivariate polynomial splines |
Thursday, 26 July | John Keyser | Algebraic Computation for Robust Geometric Modeling |
Friday, 27 July | J. Maurice Rojas | P=?NP, Optimization, and Algebraic Geometry |
Tuesday, 31 July | Luis Garcia | Bezier curves and surfaces |
Wednesday, 1 August | Laura Matusevich | Algebraic geometry and special functions |
Thursday, 2 August | Frank Sottile | Gale dual systems and bounds in real algebraic geometry |
Friday, 3 August | Josephine Yu | Tropical implicitization and elimination |
Monday, 6 August | Darbha Swaroop | Synthesis of fixed structure controllers using linear programming techniques |
Tuesday, 7 August | Thorsten Theobald | Symmetries in SDP-based relaxations for constrained polynomial optimization |
Wednesday, 8 August | Serkan Hosţen | Gröbner bases, integer programming, and disclosure limitation |
Thursday, 9 August | Seth Sullivant | "Guess and check" for initial ideals |
24.7 | James Ruffo | An introduction to the Schubert calculus |
Abstract: The Schubert calculus concerns enumerative problems involving linear objects -- for instance, to count the lines in space meeting four given lines. Over the complex numbers, Schubert provided the answer to this (and many other related) problems in 1891. What might be said over the real numbers is of much recent interest. The goal of this talk is to convey the basic notions and some recent developments in this very active and fruitful subject. |
25.7 | Hal Schenck | Multivariate polynomial splines |
Abstract: In mathematics it is often useful to approximate a function f on a region D in R2 by a ``simpler'' function. A natural way to do this is to divide D into triangles, and then approximate f on each triangle by a polynomial function. A Cr-differentiable piecewise polynomial function on D is called a spline. Splines play a key role in geometric modeling, the finite element method for solving PDE's, and in approximation theory. There is also a great deal of interesting mathematical structure involved, including commutative and homological algebra, geometry, combinatorics and topology. I'll give a gentle overview of the problem, with main focus an introduction to simplicial homology, and discuss how Grobner bases and computational algebraic geometry enter the picture. |
26.7 | John Keyser | Algebraic Computation for Robust Geometric Modeling |
Many computational problems in geometric and solid modeling
can be reduced into relatively easily stated algebraic formulations. As
people have sought to improve the robustness of these geometric
operations, greater attention has been focused on these algebraic
formulations, and on methods for precisely solving such problems. In this talk, I'll begin with a brief introduction to some of the typical algebraic problems faced in geometric and solid modeling. I'll focus much of the discussion on the boundary evaluation problem for computing results of Boolean combination of solid models, and how exact computation is used to deal with these. Finally, I'll talk about some of the challenges faced when moving from more theoretical descriptions of algorithms into practical implementations. |
27.7 | J. Maurice Rojas | P=?NP, Optimization, and Algebraic Geometry |
The P=?NP problem has been with us since 1971 and remains
a guiding force behind theoretical computer science. The question
involves a complexity class, called NP, which is comprised of hundreds
of algorithms from discrete optimization, number theory, and many other
areas. We give a gentle introduction to this question and then move to recent algebraic characterizations of the P=?NP problem. In particular, we will see how primes in arithmetic progression, complex roots of sparse polynomials in one variable, and circuit complexity are all brought together via complexity theory. We assume no background in complexity theory, algebraic geometry, or number theory. |
31.7 | Luis Garcia | Bezier curves and surfaces |
Abstract: I will introduce some basic notions in geometric modeling, which is the science of modeling curves and surfaces by small patches (e.g. Bézier patches). I will discuss some of the properties of these patches and then focus on the property known as linear precision. I will show how algebraic geometry can be used to answer some questions about linear precision for a general class of multi-sided patches known as toric patches. Finally, I will also discuss some interactions between these topics and algebraic statistics. |
01.8 | Laura Matusevich | Algebraic geometry and special functions |
Abstract: I will explain how commutative-algebraic knowledge of binomial ideals (namely, their primary decomposition) can be used in the study of hypergeometric functions. The lecture will include a brief overview of a combinatorial description of the primary components of binomial ideals, and requires no background in special functions or differential equations. This material is extracted from joint projects with Alicia Dickenstein, Timur Sadykov and Ezra Miller. |
02.8 | Frank Sottile | Gale dual systems and bounds in real algebraic geometry |
Gale duality for polynomial systems is an elementary reformulation of a system of
polynomial equations as a system of equations involving
rational master functions in the complement of a hyperplane arrangement.
Some properties of the original system are easier to understand in the
Gale dual system. In the first part of this talk, I will describe this Gale duality, look at some examples of this construction, and give some elementary consequences. In the second half, I will explain how to bound the number of real solutions to the Gale dual system, and thereby obtain the current best bounds for the number of real solutions to a system of polynomial equations. I will also explain how this gives rise to a new numerical method for finding all real solutions to a system of polynomial equations. |
03.8 | Josephine Yu | Tropical implicitization and elimination |
Abstract: Implicitization is the problem of computing the defining ideal of the image of a polynomial map, and elimination is the problem of computing the defining ideal of the projection of an algebraic variety. In this talk, we will apply tropical methods to these problems. For generic cases, we can use polyhedral computations to construct the tropical varieties of the unknown ideals without computing the ideal. We will also see a demonstration of tropical softwares Gfan and TrIm. |
06.8 | Darbha Swaroop | Synthesis of fixed structure controllers using linear programming techniques |
The problem of synthesizing a set of fixed structure controllers has
been open for the past four decades. The problem may be simply stated as
follows: Given a characteristic polynomial, P(s,K), whose coefficients
are affine in the controller parameter vector, K, what values of K
render P(s,K) Hurwitz? Through the Routh-Hurwitz theorem, this problem
is equivalent to the determination of a set of controller parameters
that satisfy a system of polynomial inequalities. In this talk, I will
provide a way to approximate the set arbitrarily, at the expense of
additional computation, through the use of Descartes' Rule of signs and
its generalization, Hermite-Biehler Theorem and linear programming
technique. I will also provide examples of the presented method to some
problems encountered in engineering applications.
This work is based on the doctoral dissertation of my graduate student, Waqar Malik. It is joint work with Professor S. P. Bhattacharyya of EE department at TAMU. |
07.8 | Thorsten Theobald | Symmetries in SDP-based relaxations for constrained polynomial optimization |
We consider the issue of exploiting symmetries in the hierarchy
of semidefinite programming relaxations recently introduced in polynomial
optimization. After providing the necessary background we focus on
problems where either the symmetric or the cyclic group is acting on the
variables and extend the representation-theoretical methods of Gatermann
and Parrilo to constrained polynomial optimization problems. Moreover, we
also propose methods to efficiently compute lower and upper bounds for the
subclass of problems where the objective function and the constraints are
described in terms of power sums.
(Joint work with L. Jansson, J.B. Lasserre and C. Riener) |
08.8 | Serkan Hosţen | Gröbner bases, integer programming, and disclosure limitation |
Abstract: |
09.8 | Seth Sullivant | "Guess and check" for initial ideals |
A useful strategy in combinatorial commutative algebra is to
"reduce to the monomial case". Generally speaking, we have an
operation which takes as input an arbitrary ideal I and outputs some
other ideal f(I). In the situations of interest, it might be difficult
to compute f(I) directly, so we can instead try to do the same
operation for an initial monomial ideal. We then cross our fingers and
hope that in(f(I)) = f(in(I)) and that this operation can be used to
compute f(I). In particular, in many situations, f(in(I)) proves a
convenient guess for in(f(I)) from which many properties of
f(I) can be
deduced, including its Grobner basis.
In this talk, I will try to describe two or three situations where this proves to be a useful strategy, in particular, for studying secant varieties, symbolic powers, and toric fiber products. In these cases computing f(in(I)) leads to combinatorics that is interesting in its own right. Time permitting, I will show how these results connect back to the algebraic statistical models described in my lectures. |
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This summer graduate program is supported by the Participating Institutions of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, by the US National Science Foundation, and by the Texas A&M University. | ![]() |